The Bookcase

(design proposal)
Rhinoceros, Illustrator, Photoshop, Twinmotion

The Bookcase is a thoughtfully designed residential building in Amsterdam's Sluisbuurt, created to address the pressing issue of "ontlezing"—the decline in reading habits that poses a threat to our society. As reading becomes less common, especially among young people, we face challenges like reduced language skills, shorter attention spans, and increased societal polarization. The Bookcase aims to combat this by serving as a "third place," a space outside of home and work where people can disconnect from the digital world, engage with literature, and connect with others.

To bring this vision to life, I utilised MidJourney AI to explore new shapes and figures that express my ideas for the project. Through these AI-generated images, I experimented with styles and characteristics that define a great reading space, both in private and communal settings. This process helped me identify the design elements that create the ideal environment for readers, from secluded nooks to vibrant communal areas.

Central to the design is the creation of intimate spaces that cater to different kinds of readers. Whether it’s a cozy nook on a staircase, a secluded corner on a balcony, or a quiet spot on the rooftop, these thoughtfully designed areas allow readers to retreat and immerse themselves in a good book. The building’s architecture, resembling a giant bookshelf, emphasizes vertical forms and dynamic spaces that foster social interaction and community. With facilities like a library, reading café, and public gardens, The Bookcase is not only a home for its residents but a cultural hub for the entire community. By promoting reading through events and activities, it aims to revive the essential habit of reading, crucial for maintaining a thoughtful, connected, and informed society.