“Exploring human interconnectedness through playful, multi-perspective research.”


  • The Bookcase

    The Bookcase addresses the decline in reading by creating intimate spaces for readers to connect with literature and each other. As a cultural hub in Amsterdam's Sluisbuurt, it promotes the essential habit of reading, fostering a thoughtful, connected, and informed society.

  • CommuniSeat

    The garden furniture situated in Delft is designed with the intention of bringing different communities together and allowing them to enjoy the outdoor space. The furniture consists of four different elements, each with its own unique function.

  • Enchanting Landscape

    Taking inspiration from optical illusions, inspired by the masterful works of Escher, the design explores the essence of the Dutch Tech Campus. The mural design reflects the dynamic landscape of the campus. It is a place where people come together to (be) inspire(d).

  • Interlacing Strangers

    COVID-19 has significantly restricted to engage in connections with strangers. Now that we can spend time outside more safely again, we can explore the potential of public space. The project explores how spatial intervention can facilitate interdependency between strangers in public.

  • Woekerende Wonderen

    Like a living organism slowly taking over the space, the geometric structure meanders along the walls. The source of this meandering shape is unclear. In key places, the installation even wriggles through the windows, and spills out onto the public square below.

  • Neighbourhood Puzzle

    Wandering through the surrounding streets of Eudokiaplein, I captured details and colours that interested me. Blending existing features into a new image challenges visitors to step closer, and further. Question what you’re seeing. Do you understand?

  • Funkstille

    The viewer is taken through a disorientating journey to discover what a person in isolation might feel. We have created a space in which only one person enters at a time. The viewer is lured into the space via tunnels, entering a lonely void of mixed reality.

  • Square Revival

    Designed to retrieve the intimacy once found at the iconic Schouwburgplein in the city of Rotterdam. The original pattern design on the square and facade of the Doelen will be rejuvenated, to enhance the historical recognition it deserves.

  • Fusuma Studio

    The Fusuma studios aim to create intimate living and working spaces shared by two strangers. An entrepreneur, who uses the space during the day, before the economic homeless comes back from work.

  • Lightweight Concrete

    Lightweight concrete is a conceptual design for an apartment in the Marconi towers, Rotterdam. The design involves an open space with lots of natural light coming from the big number of windows.

  • ARCHbar

    The ARCHbar offers visitors a journey through Dutch architecture. The bar is situated in the Ministry of Social Affairs in The Hague, which is designed by Herman Hertzberger and one of the icons of structuralism.