Intimacy through architecture.

Frédérique Idája van Tilborg (Leiden, 1998) is a Dutch designer exploring different facets of intimacy through architecture. By researching different cultures and perspectives, she aims to understand humans’ interconnectedness. Moving to Shanghai at the age of sixteen challenged her to rethink the sense of belonging, and view relationships from a new point of view.

'In my work, I focus on how people use the space. How does space encourage people to meet? What feelings arise when entering a space? Are these feelings collective or purely individual? I look for the interaction between shape, material, and the user.’

After graduating from BISS Puxi, Frédérique moved back to the Netherlands to study at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (preparatory year). In 2021-2022 she followed an external minor at TU Delft with a focus on exhibition design. She has interned at Studio Makkink & Bey and graduated summer of 2022 from the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam.


Pre-master → TU Delft, Delft, 2024-2025
Bachelor’s Degree → WDKA, Rotterdam, 2018-2022
Specialisation Minor → TU Delft, Delft, 2021-2022
Preparatory year → KABK, The Hague, 2017-2018


Spatial Designer → Idája Design, Den Haag, 2023 - now
Internship → Studio Makkink&Bey, Rotterdam, 2021
Guide&Guard → Museum Voorlinden, Wassenaar, 2019-2021