Enchanting Landscape

(wall painting)
high quality sticker
22 x 12 m

Taking inspiration from optical illusions, inspired by the masterful works of Escher, the design explores the essence of the Dutch Tech Campus. This choice is justified by the fact that all the techniques applied on the campus ultimately rely on mathematics. By combining mathematical and artistic elements, we aim to emphasize the core of the campus.

The mural design reflects the dynamic landscape of the campus. It is a place where people come together to work, meet, learn, and develop. Each individual has their own position within the campus, but their paths also intersect. These interactions and connections form the essence of the artwork.

The color palette of green, blue, gray, and white has been carefully chosen to preserve the serene atmosphere of the inner garden while representing the innovation and technological advancement of the campus. The interplay of these colors reflects the harmony between natural tranquility and the groundbreaking ideas that come to life on the campus. The design embodies the unique identity of the campus and contributes to the thriving and innovative atmosphere that prevails here.